Have you ever wondered who organizes things around school like the New Year’s Lock-In or afterparty volleyball tournaments? That honor belongs to the dedicated group of individuals known as Leadership Council. Throughout the year, they come together and plan events for the school and community.
So far this year, we have already seen the Secret Santa Candy Canes, Big Buddies, and many other events all put on by the members of Leadership Council. Two members, junior Summer Rake and junior Abby Strong, shared what they love about this club.
“I love how much freedom you can have when it comes to planning and executing an event as a whole… You can join whatever committee interests you and really get the chance to share your opinions on things without feeling judged,” said Summer. Being able to share your ideas with a group of individuals with like minds is a great opportunity.
Another big thing Leadership Council does is called Big Buddies, a program where high school students go to the primary and OSC schools to help do activities with the little kids. Abby said, “Leaving class early to see the younger kids always brightens my day.”
Leadership Council organizes so many important activities and events for the school. We asked its members why they think it is so important.
“I think it is extremely important to the school and is continuing to do more and have a bigger impact. Every year, we try to think of new things to add as well as make our committee events as impactful as possible,” Summer said.
Each year, the members must come up with new ideas to bring the students together in fun activities that will have a positive impact. Abby said that Leadership Council has accomplished a lot with all of their activities. Summer added that many people don’t realize all of the things that this group contributes to. After learning so much about Leadership Council, one may wonder why people should join and get involved.
“It’s a great opportunity and very easy to keep up with, so I encourage everyone to come see what we do and consider joining,” Abby said.
“People should join Leadership Council if they want to be more involved with the school and bring creative ideas about new committees or events that could be beneficial,” Summer said.
Leadership Council is a great club to join for freshmen or older students looking for a way to get involved with their school. For students wondering how to become part of this amazing group of people and help out their school, contact Mr. Kittleson at [email protected].
A Look into Leadership Council
Olivia Tirrel, Reporter
January 2, 2024
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About the Contributor

Olivia Tirrel, Yearbook Editor
Olivia Tirrel is a junior at Lodi High School and has been a part of the Advocate staff since the 2022-2023 school year. Olivia is the Editor-in-Chief for the Yearbook and is looking forward to improving her journalism skills.