Hygiene is very very important. Not only is it important to you but for everyone else around you. What is hygiene? Hygiene is the conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness. What is poor hygiene? Poor hygiene is intentional or unintentional neglect of your body’s cleanliness and health requirements. The Lodi advocate interviewed a few people, Mrs. Bercher and Jayden Millin.
We asked Mrs.Bercher what she thinks about body hygiene and why it is important. Mrs. Bercher said, “Body hygiene is to shower everyday, washing your hair, washing from head to toe, and especially if you are doing sports or working out you might need to take more than one shower everyday so you won’t be stinky”. Jayden also said, “ [Hygiene] is keeping yourself clean and healthy. It is important because you need to be healthy and take care of yourself because if you don’t it could cost lots of money. Also it is more respectful to everyone around you”. Body hygiene is important because there are many side effects of not taking care of yourself. Some include sickness and even social rejection.
It’s very important to have hygiene in school and sports. Jayden Millin expressed this by saying, “You should shower often, wear deodorant and possibly perfume or cologne. Another thing is brushing your teeth and simple things like that”. It is highly encouraged to not come to school with a stinky breath and bad body odor. Not only is it bad for you, nobody wants to smell that. Mrs. Bercher added on to that saying, “So I think hand washing is huge, we’re all here sharing spaces so if we keep our hands washed we won’t share as many germs with each other. Then, sports I think the same thing. Like when you’re on the court and all touching the same ball or you know, sharing bats in softball, wrestling on the same mats. Everyone should try and keep surfaces clean and that’s all important”.
In Lodi High School we uphold quite a reputation, one of them being how clean and uptight we keep our school. Mrs. Bercher shares her thoughts about our cleanliness, “I think our cleanliness is good, I think kids are pretty good at washing hands, or if they need a tissue they use the hand sanitizer. I see kids really try and stay on top of things”. Jayden also believes that our cleanliness is good, “I think most people are good about it, there are definitely people who can work on cleanliness but overall it is good”.
Mrs. Bercher and Jayden were kind enough to give us some of their tips and advance for hygiene. Mrs. Bercher starts up by saying, “Well handwashing is always good and then if you’re sick stay home, you know? Washing your laundry, especially sports clothes, don’t let things sit if they are wet or damp because then mold can grow and it’s hard to get smell out of those types of things. If you can’t wash it right away, hang it up and let it dry and wash it the next time you’re doing laundry”. Jayden also gave some good advice, “Shower everyday and wear deodorant daily also when putting on perfume/cologne don’t spray too much because then it is overpowering”.
To wrap this up, hand washing is always one of the biggest things you can do, along with showering once a day. This will prevent sickness and stinkiness. Also remember to be washing hair and wearing deodorant, wearing perfume or cologne is optional but would also be a good way to ensure you smell good. To keep yourself and others healthy, always remember to practice these things. They are little but they can make the difference.