End of School Reflections


Photo taken by Governor Tom Wolf shared via flickr

Jadyn Hellenbrand, Reporter

It’s April! The end of the school year is fast approaching, less than two months away. As students prepare for the final days, they are setting goals and reflecting on their progress throughout the year. When asked about their plans, students shared their aspirations. Taysha Lowery (11) said, “I want to pass all my classes and maintain good attendance.” Olivia Tirrel (10) expressed her desire to excel in track, achieve good grades, and perform well on her finals. Arrow Schilling (10) said, “I will probably be more involved in the community.”

As the school year draws to a close, reflections on personal growth also come to mind. Olivia mentioned that the best thing about this year was gaining confidence and feeling more like herself. She reflected, “I was new last year, and so I still had that new girl vibe. But now, I feel like it’s washed away, and people know who I am.” Arrow expressed joy in making “lots of new friends.” For Taysha, the “privilege to be on prom court” was the highlight of the year.

While this year had its share of pleasant surprises, there are some aspects that people hope to change. Addison Woolley suggested, “More games and projects instead of lectures,” as she learns better when being interactive. On a lighter note, Arrow expressed a desire for “people to stop getting buzz cuts and wanting everyone’s hair to grow back.” Overall, this year has been both long and eventful, with ups and downs, but the journey has been worthwhile.