Winter Formal

Photo taken by Shelby Ripp

Abby Volk, Reporter

 This year, Lodi High School’s Leadership Council brought back the winter formal, which hadn’t been held since February 2020. Gracie Burkholder, Anna Stratton, and Brook Endres were the leaders of the group that organized this exciting event for LHS students. A big shoutout goes to them for their efforts!

Senior Claire Morgan went to the dance this year, and senior Emma Cahalane previously went to winter formal her freshman year and again this year. They both had great things to say about the dance. According to Claire, the best part was that there weren’t many people in attendance, so “no one was judging and you could dance however you wanted.” Emma said the best part was “dancing and having fun with my friends.”

They both recommend going to the dance next year. Claire said, “It was just as fun as our usual dances (like homecoming or prom) but was more casual.” Emma said that she wished more people were at the dance, urging everyone to come next year!